Cellulite seems to be one of those problems that plague many women these days. Based on the number of times cellulite remedies appear in women’s magazines, websites, and blogs, it seems that this is a problem we still haven’t solved. Most sources agree that the dimpled appearance of cellulite occurs due to problems/imbalance in the connective tissue and fat in a person’s body, but there are many theories about what may cause this imbalance. It seems that hormones, diet, lifestyle and genetics all play a role but are not absolutes. While those who are overweight tend to have a higher chance of getting cellulite, many thin women complain of it as well.
Below are natural remedies that have been tried and tested. They should all help balance the connective tissue/fat in the body and address the many possible causes. Either way, these things are beneficial for other reasons too so they are worth a try!
- Dry Brushing
This is one remedy that there may not be any scientific evidence that it works but that there is a lot of anecdotal support for. Either way, it feels great and helps stimulate blood and lymph flow in the body. Dry skin brushing effectively opens up the pores on your skin. This is something you can — and should — be doing daily, even twice a day. Your skin should be dry, so the ideal time is in the shower before you turn on the water. Just a reminder, don’t get the brush wet.
You should only brush towards the heart. Making long sweeps, avoid back and forth, scrubbing and circular motions. Start at your feet, moving up the legs on both sides, then work from the arms toward your chest. On your stomach, direct the brush counterclockwise. And, don’t brush too hard: Skin should be stimulated and invigorated but not irritated or red.
- Consuming Gelatin
There are various health benefits to Gelatin. Gelatin supports skin, hair and nail growth and is good for joints and can help joint recovery. Gelatin can help tighten loose skin, improve digestion, improve cellulite and is a great source of dietary collagen. Gelatin is also a source of protein (though not a spectacular one) and its specific amino acids can help build muscle.
- Myofascial Massage
Some therapists are able to perform a type of massage called myofascial massage or myofascial release, which smoothes the layer of connective tissue and can apparently also help with some types of muscle and joint problems that are related to imbalances in the fascia.
For those of us who don’t have access to regular massage, it seems that using a deep tissue foam roller regularly can greatly help as well.
- Coffee Scrub
Coffee scrubs can be beneficial in reducing cellulite as well. The massage and exfoliation benefits skin by stimulating blood/lymph flow and the caffeine in the coffee has a tightening effect. Pinterest is speckled with accounts of coffee scrubs and wraps working for reducing cellulite and loose skin, and like the other remedies, it is at least worth a try. If nothing else, coffee smells great and this scrub will exfoliate skin.
- Kettlebells
Kettlebells are especially good for the hips/thighs/buttocks/stomach areas. Increasing blood flow to these areas can help remove cellulite and kettlebells are one of the most effective ways to build muscle and burn fat (both which help minimize the appearance of cellulite)
- Omega-3s
Another theory is that consumption of the wrong kinds of fats leads to an imbalance of the fatty acids that the body needs for smooth skin and tissue. There is some evidence that consuming enough Omega-3 fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins will help reduce cellulite over time.
- Detox Baths
Detox baths besides being relaxing, are very good for skin impurities that build up. There is a theory that proclaims that toxin build-up in skin and fat tissues lead to cellulite. So try a detox bath!
- Moisturize Naturally
Just as detox baths may help remove toxins that can lead to skin problems (and maybe cellulite), constantly adding toxins back to the skin in the form of chemical-laden beauty products probably doesn’t help much! If you haven’t already, try using natural options for skin care and moisturizing
- Balance Hormones
It seems that many sources agree that hormones play a large part in cellulite formation (one reason that women typically get it and men don’t) and that working toward proper hormone balance can help reduce cellulite. Even if it doesn’t get rid of cellulite, balancing hormones helps in so many other ways that it is worth working on!
You see, cellulite can be beaten! And you can take it a step further by booking in to The Laser Beautique for a total body treatment. From head to toe, The Laser Beautique will make sure that you have that summer ready body. To find out more about their products and services, visit their website www.thelaserbeautique.co.za