Pain-Free, Permanent
Laser Hair Removal

Safe & effective for
all skin types

Get 50% OFF your first

Pain – Free, Permanent

Laser Hair Removal


HANDS DOWN, Pain-free and permanent laser hair removal at TLB is one of the best investment you will make. The good news is it’s never been more affordable. E.g. Ladies underarms is only R350! It’s now a no-brainer to pick laser over waxing or shaving.

The Laser Beautique | Laser Hair Removal | Ditch the Razor Get laser

Do you still wax, shave, pluck or thread unwanted or embarrassing hair? Do you suffer from dark underarms, pigmentation from shaving, razor cuts, painful ingrown hair or a 5’o clock shadow? Have you had multiple IPL treatments, been burnt and still have hair or do you wake up to prickly skin? You really deserve better! Most struggle with these hairy issues. You are not alone and we are here to help. 

→ Never wax again!

→ Never grow hair to wax it (oh yeah)
→ No more painful and unsightly ingrown hair (bliss)
→ Say bye-bye to dark underarms (YES! You read right)
→ No more bloody shave cuts ( how’s our pun?!)
→ Put an end to unwanted embarrassing hair forever (yeeha!)
→ Smooth seasons, from Summer to Spring (a dream come true)

And voila, you live smoothly ever after!


  • Over 13 years of experience
  • First in Africa with pain-free, permanent laser hair removal safe for all skin types
  • First in Africa with pain-free, permanent hair removal of all hair types (incl. blonde, red, grey & white)
  • We are so good at what we do, that we opened an academy to teach others. We have won many industry awards from Professional Beauty, EOHCB and many other business awards
  • We have been featured in most South African magazines like Woman & Home, Destiny, Rooi Rose, Fair Lady, Glamour etc
  • TLB is the celebrities, sportsmen and women’s preferred laser clinic of choice. E.g. Devi Govender, Zoe Brown, Pearl Thusi, Elton Jantjies etc
Lady getting an underarm laser hair removal treatment
The Laser Beautique - Beautie getting a treatment - TLB


  • Over 13 years of experience
  • First in Africa with pain-free, permanent laser hair removal safe for all skin types
  • First in Africa with pain-free, permanent hair removal of all hair types (incl. blonde, red, grey & white)
  • We are so good at what we do, that we opened an academy to teach others. We have won many industry awards from Professional Beauty, EOHCB and many other business awards
  • We have been featured in most South African magazines like Woman & Home, Destiny, Rooi Rose, Fair Lady, Glamour etc
  • TLB is the celebrities, sportsmen and women’s preferred laser clinic of choice. E.g. Devi Govender, Zoe Brown, Pearl Thusi, Elton Jantjies etc

3 Easy Steps

1. Book a free consult
& test patch.

We will explain and answer all your questions. From how its pain-free to, where and when

2. Be amazed at
your results.

It takes 2-3 weeks before you start seeing results. Prepare to be amazed and become obsessed 

3. Start your journey to living smoothly ever after

You will need approximately 8-12 treatments.
As we need to treat the hair in
correct phase

The short version

During laser hair removal, a laser emits light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. The light energy is converted to heat which melts and closes capillaries that supply the hair with oxygen and nutrients. Now, this may sound painful, but trust us, it’s really not! And this is how:

The energy from our lasers is delivered gradually as we increase the heat as opposed to treating using high heat. Old-school lasers feel like an elastic band stretching (far!) and snapping on one’s skin. Yes, this is torture!

To best explain, we like to use the analogy of having a hot bath. We draw you a boiling hot bath, and you burn yourself, just like many old-school lasers have burnt and scarred people. But if we draw you a lukewarm bath and gradually increase the temperature, we can get the bath boiling without feeling any discomfort. Gradual increase in temperature allows you to withstand high temperatures without pain.

Treatment is more aggressively, yet painless and results in you needing fewer treatments, saving time and money.

You have to bear in mind that pain is subjective. What one finds pain-free may be painful to someone else. It’s very important to communicate with your Beau-gician (TLB laser technician) and explain if you feeling any pain at all. She will simply decrease the energy but treat for longer. This way you will still reach the same temperature, it will just not hurt. You, see, no pain and all gain!

8-12 treatments and voile, you are living smoothly ever after!

The short version

During laser hair removal, a laser emits light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. The light energy is converted to heat which melts and closes capillaries that supply the hair with oxygen and nutrients. Now, this may sound painful, but trust us, it’s really not! And this is how:

The energy from our lasers is delivered gradually as we increase the heat as opposed to treating using high heat. Old-school lasers feel like an elastic band stretching (far!) and snapping on one’s skin. Yes, this is torture!

To best explain, we like to use the analogy of having a hot bath. We draw you a boiling hot bath, and you burn yourself, just like many old-school lasers have burnt and scarred people. But if we draw you a lukewarm bath and gradually increase the temperature, we can get the bath boiling without feeling any discomfort. Gradual increase in temperature allows you to withstand high temperatures without pain.

Treatment is more aggressive, yet painless and results in you needing fewer treatments, saving time and money.

You have to bear in mind that pain is subjective. What one finds pain-free may be painful to someone else. It’s very important to communicate with your Beau-gician (TLB laser technician) and explain if you feeling any pain at all. She will simply decrease the energy but treat for longer. This way you will still reach the same temperature, it will just not hurt. You, see, no pain and all gain!

8-12 treatments and voile, you are living smoothly ever after!

PLEASE DO NOTE: TLB Laser hair removal offers a largely pain-free, permanent solution;
while most find the treatment comfortable, individual pain thresholds vary. Treated hair won’t regrow, but you may need touch-ups as hair can stay dormant for years.

Laser hair removal Before & After

Laser Hair Removal Before & After


At The Laser Beautique, we use state-of-the-art technology for permanent hair removal. We believe our tech is the world’s most effective laser hair removal system  that is safe for all skin types including Asian, African and Indian skin types. Keep in mind that, we at The Laser Beautique, were the very first in Africa with pain-free, permanent laser hair removal. We have the most experience in hair removal in Africa and we have tried and tested every technology we can get our hands on.   
Why you should have laser at TLB

To achieve the best results with any aesthetic device, including a laser for hair removal, one needs to look at the following important criteria:

  1. One needs to be treated using the best technology.
  2. The aesthetician treating you needs to be fully trained on the technology, as well as have a sound knowledge of the skin and hair growth cycles, while being able to grasp the concept of treatment parameters that need to be applied for ultimate results.
  3. Finally one needs to ensure that they are being treated in a result driven environment where aesthetician’s performance is based on results they achieve and where performance appraisals are conducted regularly.

There are many manufacturers that claim to have built the best technology, but unless you have tried and tested multiple technologies, you wouldn’t know the difference. Some may even offer treatments using the best technology, but if their therapists lack in training, results are ultimately compromised. If therapists aren’t driven to achieve results, they treat on autopilot and don’t ensure that parameters are used.

Legitimate training for aestheticians by a certified laser trainer, costs R5000 a day, excluding the trainers’ expenses. The reason why The Laser Beautique aestheticians are considered the best in the industry is because we offer unlimited FREE training to our franchisees and aestheticians. We offer this as we have full time internationally recognised laser trainers, whose sole job is to ensure our therapists are top form. Training includes theory and practical training, as well as theory and practical exams. Aestheticians have to perform hours of practical training before they are certified and may treat clients.

Not only is our training programme “military”, our hiring process is thorough. Only top graduates and experienced beauty therapists, somatologists and nurses are invited to join our team. Secret shoppers are regularly sent to all clinics to ensure that our standard procedures are adhered to.

Treatment benefits

Treatment Benefits include:

  • Permanently and painlessly remove embarrassing, unwanted pigmented hair forever
  • Never have to grow hair to go through the torture of waxing it off
  • You can shave between laser treatments, which means you get to be smooth all the time! 
  • Eliminate ingrown hair, pigmentation caused by shaving, 5 O’clock shadow and shave cuts
  • Safe & effective for all skin types, including dark skin types
  • Grid and glide technology allows for a virtually PAIN-FREE treatment without the use of anaesthesia or numbing gel
  • Safe & effective for all ages! We have even lasered Baby-Beauts (12 and under)
  • Faster results, which often means fewer clinic visits and treatments needed
  • Superior technology provides more predictable, more reliable results
  • Men & women both enjoy the benefits of this treatment
The science behind our laser hair removal

During laser hair removal, a laser emits a light which is filtered. This filtered light is then absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. The light energy is converted to heat. This heat coagulates or inactivates the tube-shaped sacs and the capillaries that supply the hair with oxygen and nutrients. This inhibits future hair growth. 

At The Laser Beautique, we use one or a combination of 3 revolutionary lasers. We apply an 810-nm diode laser, 1064-nm ND Yag and/or a 755- nm Alexandrite, using a new treatment technique called IN-Movement™. This is what makes this treatment PAIN-FREE. Unlike other laser treatments which can be painful, burn and even scar, the energy from our laser is delivered via low fluence (energy), and pulses at a rapid 10-pulse-per-second repetition rate. The temperature of the hair follicle containing the cells responsible for hair re-growth is gradually raised to the point whereby the cells become inactive, and can no longer generate new hair. This rise in temperature causes deep dermal heating- a sensation that many users have compared to a hot stone massage. This turns the otherwise uncomfortable process of hair removal into a very comfortable one.


This revolutionary method of delivering low-level energy via a burst of rapid pulses is what enables Pain-Free yet Extremely Effective hair removal. Less risk of side effects than has ever before been possible with other lasers. By constantly moving the hand-piece during treatment, the energy is delivered uniformly, eliminating skipped spots and ensuring patient comfort. Recovery is free so you can usually return to normal activities immediately.


To best explain how low energy with a high repetition rate works, we like to use the analogy of having a hot bath. If we draw you a boiling hot bath and you try and get in, you will burn yourself, just like many old-school lasers have burnt and scarred people. But if we draw you a lukewarm bath and you get in and we gradually increase the temperature of the water, we can get the bath boiling without you feeling any discomfort. Gradually increasing the temperature allows you to withstand high temperatures without pain.

Do keep in mind that you will only start seeing results 2-3 weeks post-treatment. Don’t worry if you leave and the hair appears to be growing as if you just shaved and had no laser. Give it some time and you will be pleasantly surprised. 2-3 post-treatment, the hair falls out. Less grows back and the hair will grow back slower.

Before your treatment

Before your laser journey

  • You will be asked to stop waxing, bleaching, plucking or using an epilator. You should not mechanically remove the hair from the root as this will interfere with the hair cycle. The only methods of removing hair that you should use between laser treatments are shaving and trimming or you can use depilatory creams. If you have waxed, it’s best to wait a few weeks before your laser treatment. 
  • It is very important not to wax or pluck the hair out with any other means different from shavers or depilatory creams at least 3 weeks prior to the session.
  • The use of bleaching creams is to be stopped at least 3 weeks prior to the session.
  • Sun exposure should be stopped at least 3-4 weeks prior to your treatment. One month before your treatment, apply high SPF sunblock on the area to treat every 2 hours.
  • The intake of sun activators or the use of chemical self-tanning lotions is to be stopped 2 weeks prior session.
  • It is mandatory you mention all the medication and/or nutritional compliments you take. Some of their components might be photosensitive and/or photofragilizing to the skin.
  • Before the treatment, your skin must be thoroughly cleaned with either soapy water or with a mild cleansing agent. Neither, makeup nor fragrance should remain. If you have applied any essential oils or have had a recent aromatherapy bath or massage, it is very important you mention it.
  • The area to be treated should be clean-shaven, ideally shaved the day before, or on the same day.
  • If shaving is not tolerated on facial areas, for instance, depilatory creams or curved scissors could be used.
During your treatment

During your treatment

  • If you have forgotten to shave, your therapist will dry-shave the treatment site with a new disposable razor. This will be done in a room separate from the laser treatment room due to the tight schedule for those facilities.
  • If you require your therapist to shave the treatment site as you are unable to do so yourself (such as the back) please inform us as we will need to allow an extra 15 minutes of treatment time in order to do so.
  • You will be asked to wear protective glasses.
  • During the treatment, you will feel a warm sensation and slight prickles. This feeling lasts whilst the area is treated. If at any time your feel pain, you need to communicate this to the therapist. She will simply tweak the settings. Remember no pain, all gain. It doesn’t have to hurt to be effective.
  • Only in dense areas, a peri-follicular erythema/oedema will take place and lasts for a couple of hours with a light sunburn feel. This is the same as the red bumps that one gets after a wax.
After your treatment

Post treatment care

  • As long as you will experience post-treatment skin irritation, you have to protect your skin with sunblock and avoid any sun exposure that, without protection, could lead to the development of post-treatment pigmentation
  • The planning of holidays to the sun in the week after the session is not recommended
  • Immediately after the treatment, a soothing cream/gel may be applied to calm down your skin.
  • A thermal water spray may also be refreshing.
  • Make-up, fragrance or deodorant may be applied the day after the session


Awaiting next session

  • It is important to moisturize your skin properly (Aloe Vera-based cream for instance).
  • Two to three weeks following the treatment, you will experience a phenomenon similar to “re-growth” which is actually the hair shaft part which comes out before falling.
  • The re-growth time needed for the remaining hair becomes longer from treatment to treatment and the remaining hair returns finer.


Adverse Effects of Treatment

  • Not observing the guidelines especially related to sun exposure may lead to a transient but long-lasting hypo/hyperpigmentation that may last on average 3 months.
  • On sensitive areas, oedema may develop but will remain no longer than 2 days.
  • Some spots may lead to purpura or micro-crusting that will remain 3-5 days after the session. It will then be very important neither to rub nor to expose the treated areas to the sun.
  • Any post-session effect is to be reported and you will be given corresponding treatment and advice.
Do’s and don’ts


  • Do let your aesthetician know what meds you are on.
  • Do shave the area the night before your treatment.
  • Do wear protective eyewear during treatment.
  • Do use a post-laser cream or gel post-treatment.
  • Do exfoliate 7 days after your treatment to avoid ingrown hair
  • Do use SPF30 or higher the week before and after


  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
  • Don’t bleach, wax, pluck or use an epilator.
  • Don’t tan, go on a sun bed or spray tan before treatment.
  • Don’t use any oil or creams or go for a massage before the laser.
  • Don’t expect the hair not to grow back after 2-3 days post-treatment
  • Don’t gym for at least 48 hours after you’ve had treatment. Avoid heat, sweat and friction
  • Don’t Swim for at least 48 hours, the chlorine could aggravate your skin
  • Don’t shave directly after the laser. If, by any chance, there are a few stray hairs left. Although shaving is allowed between sessions (it’s the only recommended method), it’s best to leave the hair as is for at least 4-5 days.
  • Don’t Exfoliate, at least not in the first 4-5 days! Afterwards though, use exfoliants, exfoliating mitts or just a soft sponge to keep your skin smooth. That’ll help you get rid of ingrown hair.
  • Don’t apply any perfumed or chemical products. Instead, use post-laser gel to keep your skin soothed and hydrated. Also, avoid makeup for at least 48 hours. Let your skin breathe.
Payment options

We offer our beauts and beauties three different payment options for Laser Hair Removal.


  1. SESSION BY SESSION – Purchasing one treatment at a time, or pay as you treat.
  2. PACKAGE – Multiple areas treated in one appointment, e.g. Underarm, Bikini & Half leg laser hair removal. Packages are discounted by 5% – 7%. Pay as you treat.
  3. COURSE – Investing in multiple sessions of the same treatment upfront, e.g. purchasing 8 Underarm Laser Hair Removal sessions upfront. Courses are discounted by 5% – 20%. Pay in advance.
  4. PREMIUM COURSE – Investing in multiple large courses upfront, e.g. purchasing a course of 8 facial, underarm, bikini & leg Laser Hair Removal sessions. Premium courses are discounted even further. A discount is tailor made according to the courses purchases. Pay in advance. Please contact your nearest branch to receive a formal quotation.

Book your complimentary
consultation and
test patch

Our Beaut-igians are available across 11 clinics
to assess your skin needs and goals to create a
tailored plan suitable to your needs.

Book your
consultation &
test patch

Our Beaut-igians are available across 11 clinics to assess your skin needs and goals to create a tailored plan suitable to your needs.



Frequently Asked Questions

How does laser work?

During laser hair removal, a laser emits light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. The light energy is converted to heat which coagulates or inactivates the tube-shaped sacs and the capillaries that supply the hair with oxygen and nutrients. This inhibits or delays future hair growth. Now, this may sound painful, but trust us, it’s really not!

Does laser hurt?

The short answer is, not at The Laser Beautique! Conventional laser technology is very painful and feels like an elastic band stretch (far!) and then snapping on your skin, repeatedly. Yes, the conventional laser is torture!  

To best explain how we can treat painlessly yet effectively, we like to use the analogy of having a hot bath. If we draw you a boiling hot bath and you try and get in, you will burn yourself, just like many old-school lasers have burnt and scarred people. BUT if we draw you a lukewarm bath and you get in and we gradually increase the temperature of the water, we can get the bath boiling hot without you feeling any discomfort. Gradually increasing the temperature allows you to withstand high temperatures without pain.

This is how we can treat you more aggressively, yet painlessly. We gradually increase the energy with a high repetition rate. This results in you needing fewer treatments saving time and money in the long run! 

You have to bear in mind that pain is subjective. What one finds pain-free may be painful to someone else. It’s very important to communicate with your Beau-gician (TLB laser technician) and explain if you feeling any pain at all. She will simply decrease the energy but treat for longer. This way you will still reach the same temperature, it will just not hurt. You, see, no pain and all gain!

Is laser hair removal safe for all skin types?

Not all laser hair removal is safe for all skin types. Older devices were not safe for skin types 4 and 5. The reason for this is that older technology used very high frequency and a treatment technique which was not suitable for darker skin types. The technology would pick up the pigment in the skin and would cause burns and scars. With our new technology, the laser “follows” the pigment in the hair only and does not affect the surrounding tissue (skin).

Why do I need 8-12 treatment, 4-6 weeks apart?

Hair grows in stages. Anagen, Catagen, Telogen and Exogen. Hair grows and falls and new hair grows. Laser hair removal is only able to treat hair successfully when it is in the Anagen phase of growth. Why? Because in the Anagen phase, the follicle is attached to the dermal papilla. In image 2 below, you can see how the hair follicle starts to detach. In image 3, you can see how the new hair follicle starts to grow. And in image 4, the hair is exciting. If hairs are in the catagen, telogen or exogen phase, they will not be successfully treated in that treatment and therefore will only be treated successfully in subsequent treatments. Hair should be in the Anagen phase every  4-6 weeks.

Do keep in mind that laser is a medical treatment. The Laser Beautique is registered with the department of health. With any medical treatment, there are no hard or fast rules. Being in the industry for many years, we have seen that clients generally need between 8-12 treatments.

What is the difference between IPL and laser?

Laser only emits one pure red light that is absorbed by the melanin of the hair. This results in the optimum energy absorption by the melanin, in order to transform it into heat to eliminate the hair growth cells efficiently & safely. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is NOT a laser. As you can see from the image below, IPL emits all the colours of the rainbow. IPL uses a spectrum of high-intensity pulses of visible light which some falsely sell as “laser hair removal”. Many people who think they have had laser hair removal and it didn’t work, have actually been treated with IPL. The IPL’s “scatter gun” approach is painful and inefficient and hair growth cells fail to be completely destroyed & resulting in thinning and lightening of the hair. This means the hair has less pigment which makes it harder to treat with laser. IPL treatments result in the need for significantly more sessions which costs you more in the long run.

Why do I get ingrown hair?

An ingrown hair is hair that has simply grown inwards and creates infection. It will reoccur and the best way to treat is to permanently remove it with Laser or Electrolysis.

Does the hair grow back?

Directly after your treatment, your hair will start to grow back. You may even think the treatment did not work. You will notice after 2-3 weeks that the hair falls out. If you try tweeze it will come out with no pain or any force needed. Your hair will grow back slower and less after every laser treatment. You will need 8-12 treatments every 4-6 weeks.

Would you recommend laser hair removal for facial hair?

Yes, we would if the hair is dark. Laser is not effective on light, blonde, red, grey or white hair. You will need to have electrolysis if you would like to remove this hair. We highly recommend Apilus Electrolysis as it’s the most modern, comfortable and speedy electrolysis treatment there is. Facial hair could be hormonal. If it is hormonal you may need to have more than 12 treatments and may need to see a doctor and get your hormone level balanced. Between treatments one can get a facial trimmer, shave or use depilatory creams between treatments.

Can I laser a tattoo
Areas of the skin where there is a tattoo should be avoided during laser hair removal. This is to minimise skin irritation, as well as any potential aesthetic changes to your tattoo. If you would like to remove hair from an area where there is a tattoo, we recommend Apilus electrolysis treatments. This is a speedy and comfortable treatment. Make sure its not old school electrolysis device being used. Those devices are not recommended. Only opt for Apilus electrolysis treatments.
Does having underarm laser make your armpits smell good?

Laser won’t make you smell good but it will definitely help with body order. The odour from any part of your body is, strictly speaking, caused by bacteria. The sweat glands, including those under your arms, produce sweat that mixes with bacteria, causing an unpleasant scent of body odor. Body hair exacerbates the unpleasant aroma in a couple ways. First, it provides extra surface area for bacteria to cling to, creating more opportunities for a nasty smell to develop. Second, it absorbs the odor, allowing the smell to stick around for longer. Even worse, sweaty underarms can soak into your clothes, making your body odor really linger.

The fix is getting rid of the hair. Less hair under your arms means fewer places for sweat and bacteria to hang out, so you can raise your arms with confidence.

What areas can I laser?

If you have embarrassing unwanted hair anywhere, and we mean anywhere, you can have it lasered! See the below images. We laser for a living! We have seen it all and our beauts and beauties are made to feel super comfortable.

Does TLB offer laser for the LGBTIQA+ community?

For sure we do! We have many members of the LGBTIQA+ community who visit our clinics regularly and are not just super happy with their results but feel right at home. We have many of our clients going through gender transition and we assist in this process. Laser hair removal and electrolysis is a very important step pre-op. Most surgeons will insist that one has laser hair removal as well as electrolysis pre-op as it reduces the chances of post-op complications.

What is the difference between a G-string, Brazilian, Hollywood and extended?

Can men have a Hollywood laser?

For sure they can! As they say, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander! Bro-zilains are becoming very popular. Firstly, its more hygienic. Secondly, nobody wants ingrown hair, especially down under. And thirdly, we don’t know about you, but we prefer smooth to prickly privates.

Why did laser not work for me?
  • If you have mechanically removed hair from the root (wax, pluck, epilator)
  • If you have had treatments where a substandard laser or an IPL was used
  • If your therapist is not qualified. She can have the best laser and still not give an effective treatment
  • Biological factors. Hormonal issue/imbalance (e.g. PCOS).
  • We do not recommend laser for anyone with untreated hormonal issues
  • Laser targets colour. It does not see light, blonde, red, grey or white hair. The course and darker the hair the better the result. If the hair on your treatment site is fine it will not treat well, if at all
Is laser hair removal safe?
Hair removal is one of the aesthetic medical industry’s most well-known and researched applications of laser technology. Lasers have provided permanent hair removal for hundreds of thousands of clients, safely and successfully since it was cleared by the FDA in 1997.
Will the hair grow back?

The short answer is no. Once treated, new hair can’t grow. However, there are invariably a few hair follicles that manage to partially escape the laser during each treatment. Some of these follicles may be only stunned and will need to be retreated. Please note that hair can stay dormant for years which means you may need touch up treatments a few years after your 8-12 treatments. Do also keep in mind that laser is a medical treatment. The Laser Beautique is registered with the department of health. With any medical treatment, there are no hard or fast rules. Being in the industry for many years, we have seen that clients generally need between 8-12 treatments.

Can blonde, grey, white or red hair be treated with laser?

Unfortunately, as the laser relies on the pigment within the hair to have a successful effect on the underlying follicle, blonde and grey hair does not respond well. We highly recommend you try The Laser Beautique’s state-of-the-art Apilus Electrolysis treatment for 100% permanent hair removal of all hair colours, even blonde, grey or white hair.

Is laser hair removal really permanent ?

The short answer is yes! Our treatments offer you effective, permanent hair removal. It is also important to be realistic and to remember that there are various factors which could trigger new hair growth, such as hormonal changes. When this happens you would pop in for a couple of touch up treatments. Once you have completed 12 treatments at The Laser Beautique and have respected treatment recommendations, you will be eligible for a 50% discount off for any touch up treatments.

Can I tan between my laser treatments?

We discourage any form of sunbathing prior to, in between and after your laser hair removal treatments.

Should I wax, pluck or shave between my laser treatments?

We recommend no waxing while you are investing in laser treatments. We recommend shaving in between your laser hair removal treatments. This hair removal method is most suitable, as methods like waxing, tweezing and using epilators remove the hair from the follicle, thereby removing the target, required for the laser to yield good results.

Can I have laser when I am pregnant or breast feeding?

No. Most treatments and drugs have never been tested during pregnancy and therefore are not approved. This is the only reason why it’s not safe as it’s never been tested. Pregnancy means notable hormonal changes, which can stimulate hair growth. Your Laser Hair Removal program is best pursued when your pregnancy has come to an end, and hormone levels are balanced.

If I laser before pregnancy will all the hair grow back?

The short answer is no. Once you have eliminated a hair follicle it will and can never “come back to life”. Pregnancy means notable hormonal changes. Some do experience new hair growth due to hormonal changes. This hair should fall out once the baby is born and hormone levels have balanced. Some of the hair may not fall out and one may need a few touch ups.

Does laser hair removal cause any breakouts

After your laser hair removal treatment, acne and pimples may appear on treatment areas including your upper lip, legs, armpits, or bikini line. This post-treatment breakout is rare and a side effect of your pores opening up due to the heat of the device and getting clogged with dead skin cells, dirt, and bacteria. As your body tries to get these particles out, it creates a pus-filled bubble as a response. 


Another acne-like side effect is called oedema, which is swelling caused by excess fluids trapped in the skin’s tissues. Redness and inflammation are common side effects after laser hair removal and are not permanent so they aren’t a cause for too much worry. 

How to prevent post–laser hair treatment breakouts? 

Preventing post-laser treatment pimple breakouts requires proper aftercare and good skincare habits. Here are three ways to manage your skin after undergoing a laser hair removal procedure: 


1. Keep the treatment are clean

Once you’re done with your laser session, it’s important to cleanse the skin to remove any residue or bacteria that may have been left behind on the surface. You can apply an astringent such as witch hazel to calm down the redness and inflammation. Other anti-inflammatory and antiseptic ingredients like tea tree oil may also help. 

As much as possible, don’t apply any heavy creams or oils to the treatment area immediately after the procedure as these can clog up your pores. Avoid applying make-up, deodorant, lotion, cosmetics, or any other scented cosmetics as well so your skin can breathe as it heals. With the pathways to your pores open, it would be much easier for them to clear out any debris and prevent an acne breakout. 


2. Don’t sweat it out just yet

Heat is going to be your enemy after a laser hair treatment as your skin is very sensitive and prone to damage. Sun exposure is definitely a no-no. Anything that increases your body temperature will cause you to sweat, which creates a breeding ground for bacteria that may lead to infection or ingrown hairs. Sweaty and strenuous workouts will also open your pores up to sweat, oils, and bacteria that create pimples as well. 

For a similar reason, you should also avoid saunas, hot baths, hot showers, and steam baths. If you really want to exercise, light walking is the best choice. You should also avoid swimming in the sea, lakes, rivers, jacuzzis, and swimming pools with strongly chlorinated water for at least 2 – 3 days after treatment. Bodies of water would have bacteria, chemicals, and algae you wouldn’t want entering your skin. 


3. Be gentle with your skin

As much as possible, do not pick, pop, rub, or scratch any emerging acne spots to avoid scarring or other adverse effects. In the days following laser hair removal, exfoliate the treatment area with a gentle exfoliant or scrub to prevent ingrown hairs and clogged pores. If swelling and redness occur, you may apply ice. Be sure to keep the ice inside a clean towel before putting it on your skin. 

Depending on your needs, your dermatologist may prescribe cooling creams, ointments, or topical steroids for any skin irritation. A thin layer of hydrocortisone cream is also good for managing itchy bumps and preventing breakouts or edemas from forming. A product with aloe vera in it would also keep your skin cool and moisturized so you wouldn’t be as red either. 

Are there any reasons why I should not have laser?

There is little to no risk at all. Our lasers are FDA and CE approved. There are a few contraindications, for example, if one is on a high dose of Roaccutane, its best to treat after one has completed their course. We will also not treat any woman who is pregnant or lactating. This is because laser has never been tested on anyone who is pregnant or lactating not because it can cause any complications. Here is a complete list of contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy
  2. Breast feeding
  3. Psoriasis
  4. Bleeding disorders
  5. Severe reactions to histamines
  6. Previous treatments such as chemical peels and laser resurfacing
  7. Vitiligo
  8. Some Medications

    Medications come with side-effects, including those that will make your skin more photosensitive. This means that your skin might react more negatively to change – such as laser hair removal. If this is the case, you might want to think of ways to get around the issue. For example, taking a break from the problematic medication may be an option or switching to an alternative treatment. Having a discussion with your GP will help determine the right course of action for your needs

  9. Sun Tan

    The sun will cause your skin to create more melanin, which is there to protect your skin from damage. However, this can cause your skin colour to become patchy and uneven, which isn’t the best start for laser hair removal.

    As a result, your consultant will have to change lasers depending on the condition of your skin at the time of your treatment. This can make it difficult to maintain uniform hair removal and may affect the quality of the results.

    In the event of an active or severe sunburn, the procedure cannot go ahead. You’ll be expected to allow the skin to fully heal before returning for your treatment. You should always be given guidance on sun rules with a consultation

  10. Dark skin

    People with dark skin shouldn’t be prevented from seeking laser hair removal treatment. However, if you also have a sun tan, it’s important that it fades before any laser can get underway. All the laser therapist will need to do is change the laser parameters to suite your skin type. They will know which is most suited to your skin type and, if you’re still unsure, a patch test can be carried out on a less obvious part of your body

  11. Keloid scarring

    Keloid scarring occurs when wounds do not heal properly, and they can be especially hazardous to anyone seeking laser hair removal. The skin is usually raised, which can make it vulnerable during the treatment. There are some cases where your laser therapist might still be able to perform laser hair removal. However, it’s essential that you are aware of the risks and fully informed before coming to a final decision

  12. Tattoos

    Areas of the skin where there is a tattoo should be avoided during laser hair removal. This is to minimise skin irritation, as well as any potential aesthetic changes to your tattoo

  13. Lesions, open wounds

    Laser hair removal can be especially painful in areas of the body where there are lesions or open wounds. It’s therefore a good idea to postpone the procedure until they’ve fully healed. The beams can potentially slow down the healing process and lead to additional discomfort. We will refuse to carry out laser hair removal until the lesions have fully healed

  14. Herpes and cold sores

    Laser hair removal is possible once the herpes virus is kept under control. However, bear in mind that you will be required to make sure that prescription medication has been taken, and that the condition is in remission before a consultation. Herpes and cold sores are treated as contagious skin diseases, so don’t be surprised if you’re initially turned away. Once the problem has disappeared, you should be able to undergo the treatment

  15. Moles

    If you have a mole, you can still undergo laser hair removal. The beams used aren’t on the UV spectrum, so there is so far no evidence to suggest they can change a mole and make it cancerous. However, it is important to keep an eye on any visual alterations that may occur. If you do see anything suspicious, make sure you inform your GP of the treatment and have it checked as soon as possible. We will not treat over a mole, we will tape the mole. Should you like to remove any hair from a mole, you can have Apilus treatments for permanent removal of hair on an area where there is a mole.

  16. Recent waxing or plucking

    Any laser hair removal treatment requires there to be a follicle to target. If you’ve recently plucked or waxed the hair, there won’t be any. It’s usually recommended that you wait two weeks before attempting laser hair removal. Alternatives like shaving or depilatory creams are great to bridge that gap between hair and laser results

  17. Epilepsy

    Light seizure induced epilepsy sufferers are usually advised against laser hair removal, unless they have a note authorising the procedure from their GP. If you do decide to go ahead, you should be provided with eye protection that blocks out the light to minimise the likelihood of a seizure.

  18. Hirsutism

    Hirsutism is a genetic condition that sees women experiencing excessive hair growth. The hairs are generally thick and dark, making them easy is to see. Laser hair removal can be an effective way of getting rid of these unwanted hairs. It is worth bearing in mind that the procedure can take longer for hirsutism sufferers – potentially several months.

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